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Här kan du berätta mer om vad du gör eller om en tjänst du erbjuder.
Här kan du berätta mer om vad du gör eller om en tjänst du erbjuder.
Efforts within LSS
Staying up-to-date and well-trained in gradually refining the way you understand and approach challenges and why you're at work has never been more important than now.
With business psychologist Jan Blomström on board, you get a powerful and admittedly humble truth-teller who confirms and challenges to create mental training pain.
With his business psychology toolbox characterized by beyond leadership - attitude, Jan today has a special position in modern leadership and sustainable working life and has also written several books in the field.
With us you get:
No product
Individual leadership support with Jan Blomström by your side makes you as a leader stand firm in your challenges. You are coached, challenged and given confidence in strength and well-being.
Choose a proactive monthly subscription where we are two on the case if you are facing more complex challenges. Then we have a higher frequency of booked appointments as well as dynamic contacts from both sides in between, entirely based on what happens in the process. Alternatively, choose a standard design.
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Our service concept in subscription form that quickly gives you expert tips when you need them most. Within 1-3 days, your organization will receive concrete answers to complex managerial questions, second opinions, conflict situations, stress, or other questions in leadership, work environment, HR and rehabilitation.
Together, we identify who among you can call off the service, alternatively that someone among you has the mandate to call off the service to selected people. Especially suitable for fast-paced support in personnel matters.
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Vårt tjänstekoncept i abonnemangsform där era ledare erbjuds möjligheten till ett individuellt ledarstöd med Jan Blomström vid sin sida. Ett effektivt sätt att ge förutsättningar till att stå stadigt i sina utmaningar.
Under lugna former går vi igenom ledarens situation utifrån de coachas, utmanas och ges förtroende till kraft och välmående i sina uppdrag.
Tillsammans identifierar vi vilka hos er som kan avropa tjänsten, alternativt att någon hos er har mandatet att avropa tjänsten till aktuella.
Develop your management groups, teams and employees with workshops based on your everyday life. Together, we create consensus in the paths you need going forward.
We work process-oriented with a clear anchoring in your situation with the content that has been determined, often in leadership, organization, structure, but also working methods, culture and climate issues. Nor to forget Jan's signature area, which is why you are at work in the care activities within LSS and SOL.
You choose between short or longer sessions, occasional occasions or longer efforts.
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We design courses based on the latest research findings for your best learning effect.
The content can be made entirely based on your needs and wishes, everything from independent days to mixed programs in leadership, working life and disability care.
We also offer all our online courses also in regular physical or digital educational form, or mix the online courses with physical meetings. Often combined with individual leadership support to drive the process locally.
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Bjud in Jan Blomström för extra inspiration och kunskap, lika given som talare vid de stora arrangemangen som vid de små sammanhangen.
Ibland önskar man utmana ledningsgruppen inför en utmaning. Ibland vll man införa någon nytt på en planeringsdag och ibland vill man bara inspirera på en konferens. Lät också deltagarna gärna få med sig en bok om det passar.